Monday, December 13, 2010

NLP on Mobile Devices

Inspired by APIs such as Google Translate, cutting-edge input methods (e.g.,Swype), and successes in embedded speech recognition, I chose Android for my Spring 2010 seminar at the University of Washington, MA program in computational linguistics.

Entitled "NLP on Mobile Devices", this course was designed to explore the use of computational linguistics on mobile devices such as smart phones. We surveyed current issues and technologies concerning mobile devices, including user interface challenges, processing limitations, various operating systems, and market share (all within a compling context).

The main assignment was for students to develop proof-of-concept apps for Android-based smart phones using the Android SDK. Students had the possibility to explore such topics as speech technology, text processing, and NLP-related web applications. Furthermore, since the fast-growing mobile market introduces many possible opportunities for the computational linguist, we explored entrepreneurship in relation to the fast-changing mobile landscape. I am actively developing round two of this course (Winter 2011) and will post materials soon.

posted Dec 13, 2010 6:33 PM by scott farrar